Below are details on some site visits by GiveWell staff (the list does not include all trips that staff have taken).

  • August 2024: Multiple programs in Kenya
  • March 2023: r.i.c.e.'s Kangaroo Mother Care program in India
  • September 2019: Evidence Action's Dispensers for Safe Water in Kenya and Uganda.
  • August 2019: Malaria Consortium in Burkina Faso.
  • October 2017: Helen Keller International (HKI) and Sightsavers in Guinea.
  • September 2017: Evidence Action's No Lean Season in Bangladesh
  • January and February 2017: The End Fund and Zusha! in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya
  • August 2016: Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) and Sightsavers, in Ghana
  • July 2015: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in Ethiopia
  • October 2014: Living Goods and GiveDirectly in Uganda and Development Media International in Burkina Faso
  • October 2013: Deworm the World Initiative, led by Evidence Action, in India
  • November 2012: GiveDirectly and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) in Kenya
  • October 2011: Malawi and India
  • August to November 2010: 18 charities in India
  • February 2010: The Small Enterprise Foundation (South Africa) and VillageReach (Mozambique)

Site visits by other organizations in partnership with GiveWell:

  • July 2017: IDinsight observed a 12-month post-distribution check-up of AMF, in Ghana
  • June 2017: IDinsight visit to United Purpose (formerly Concern Universal), an implementing partner of AMF, in Malawi
  • February 2017: IDinsight visit to New Incentives, in Nigeria

Note added February 2024: We recently removed the photo albums that had been included on many of the site visit pages. As part of our value of considerateness, our goal is to share photos of people only if they gave informed consent for their image to be used. We had not developed an image policy at the time of the site visits, and we wanted to remove those older photos that likely did not meet our new, higher standards.